
Sunday 9 February 2014

What are the Purposes for Conducting Pre-Mediation Conference ?

I am Natalia Cheung, a Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) Accredited Mediator and a practising solicitor in Hong Kong.

In this article, I would like to share with you the purposes of having a pre-mediation conference.

Purposes of Pre-Mediation Conference

ü   For the meditator to establish his/her role as an independent, neutral party to facilitate the parties   in dispute to achieve an amicable solution to the disputes

ü   To check whether the Agreement to Mediate has been duly signed, and the proposition papers, summaries and chronology of disputes, information about the parties, their positions and concerns and previous settlement negotiation, and reasons for the failure of such previous settlement negotiation have been provided to the mediator, and for the mediator to clarify any matters in relation to the information provided

ü   For the mediator to understand each party’s approach and concerns

ü   To confirm the participants of the mediation and whether or not the attendances of the mediation have authority to negotiate settlement and to settle the disputes

ü   To help ensure the parties in dispute are willing to attempt mediation to resolve their disputes

ü   To discuss the benefits of mediation

ü   To overcome any possible reservations towards the mediation process

ü   To ascertain whether there are any special needs of any party during mediation, e.g. interpreter  
Solicitors may consider providing the following information to the mediator during the pre-mediation conference so as to increase the possibility of a successful mediation:

(1)   The common issues of the parties in disputes

(2)   What your client would like to achieve from mediation

(3)   Suggestions as to how to work towards the objectives of your client during the mediation process

 For further information on mediation, please contact Ms. Natalia Cheung [(852)-6777 5767 or  E-mail:]

Natalia Cheung 

HKIAC Accredited Mediator & Hong Kong Solicitor

Pang Kung & Co., Hong Kong Solicitors & Notaries & Civil Celebrants of Marriages


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